I’m a life coach, helping elder millennials and zennials to rediscover who they are, and pursue the beautiful life they deserve.

About me

I’ve struggled my whole adult life to pursue a life of meaning and fulfilment. Lots of sleepwalking. Getting through the day. Counting the minutes to the end of the workday, the weekend, the next vacation.

I’ve spent two decades working in marketing & communications for nonprofits, universities and corporations. The jobs were fine, for the most part. But I was often miserable. I kept quitting jobs and getting new ones, thinking surely the next one would solve all my woes. I’d be happier with a different boss, a better salary, more meaningful work. And then after the honeymoon phase (about three months) I’d be dreaming of making my exit, yet again.

To escape the day-to-day tedium, I’d engage in a lot of retail therapy, buying whatever I could to fill the void. Then I started to go on yoga and meditation retreats. I’d sit with spiritual teachers and do creativity workshops. I got a counsellor. I journaled and traveled and talked endlessly with my closest friends about our mutual desires for a completely different way of living. It all helped. I’d highly recommend all those things (except retail therapy—I’m still decluttering after years of pointless buying sprees).

But what really got me moving was working with a coach. I’ve worked with a few now, at different times in my life. And in between, I’d forget how much it helps to have someone hold dedicated space for you to open up, discover who you are in this stage of life, and what lights you up. And then gently hold you accountable to take meaningful action, so you step into a new way of being.

I finally realized that what I LOVE doing more than anything, is supporting other people in this way.

Even in the most unconscious moments of my life, I’ve held a steadfast belief that we are meant to be fully, freely alive. To be lit up, excited to start the day, and gratefully fulfilled each night when we go to sleep, counting our blessings instead of sheep. That we deserve ease, peace, joy and meaning in our lives.


To live this way, however, means undoing a lifetime of conditioning for most of us. We need to unlearn all the ways we’ve been taught to be afraid, to play small, to stay ‘safe’ by cruising on autopilot in our lane of familiarity. You could be one of the lucky people who has an overnight awakening, and is able to let go of everything holding you back in the blink of an eye. But if you’re like me, you might need a hand. I’ve worked with coaches and teachers of all kinds, and I know how invaluable it can be to have a guide to navigate these murky waters.

Who am I?

I’ve been a professional communicator for 20+ years, so helping other people express themselves comes naturally to me. I’m a life coach, trained through the Beautiful You Coaching Academy. I’m a graduate of Seth Godin’s AltMBA program, and Marie Forleo’s B School. I have a BA in general humanities and a Journalism Arts diploma. I’ve studied Reiki, creative writing, photography, tarot, shamanic journeying, ancestral mysticism and more.

I’m a writer, an artist, a Libra, a Fire Snake, a Manifesting Generator.

But who am I really? A powerful creator, just like you. Here on this planet to come fully alive, and help others do the same.

Ready to stop sleepwalking through life? Let’s have a zero-obligation chat to see how I can help you create the life you were meant to be living.